As many of you know I am about to embark on an incredible journey for about 8 weeks this summer. I am so glad that you are going to be apart of it with me. I am going to try and leave at least one blog a week to keep you all updated on what is going on in Mexico City. I encourage you to keep Mexico City, the missionaries, and the team of interns in your prayers. I believe God is already doing incredible things there and I can't wait to see and experience what he has in store for this summer. You all are such a blessing to me and I hope that you can enjoy these brief glimpses of what God is doing in my life throughout this internship!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


     This past week from Wednesday the 13th to Saturday the 16th, 3 pairs of missionaries and 6 interns went to a different part of Mexico to debrief, relax, and experience Mexico outside the city. Tequisquipan is a Mexican tourist spot and therefore much different from Atizipan, which is where Katrina and I live. We were there with Greg and Vicky from Pachucha, Terri and Casey from HueHuetoca, and Steve and Kay from Atizipan. It was neat to see all of these missionaries together and to hear stories of how they got to the mission field.
    It was also a good time to relax and get to know the team better. The place we stayed was incredible with a lot of space for us all. Every night we would meet together to have devotions and to debrief the summer. Zach gave a devotion the first night, then myself, and Carmelo finished it off. It was a really good time to get into the Word and to discuss different aspects of the summer. During these three times we talked about persevering and looked at scripture in 2 Timothy, we looked at 2 Thes. and conversed about joy, prayer, and thankfulness, and finally we looked at John and discussed the vine and the branches. These meetings were great reminders of how great God is and how important it is that he remains at the center during this trip as well as when we return.
  This was a smaller pueblo so in the morning we did what I called "Exercise Tourism"! Carmelo, Noah, Katrina, and myself got up in the morning to go for a run but during this run we got to see a lot of the town. One day we visited a cemetery which was full of graves covered in religious relics and other decor. It was different from the states because a lot of the graves were extravagant and there were a lot more in a small square footage than you would see back home. While we were running that same day we also came across some sheep being herded in a soccer field. We were going to play a game of soccer, Ovejas vs. Gringas, but decided against it. I think these runs were my favorite part of our trip to Tequisquiapan. Exercise and community were really good for me and left me with a lot of energy in the morning. One afternoon all of the interns were out shopping and site seeing when a large dance group from Columbia came up to us. I have never felt more like a celebrity than I did at that moment. They were yelling hello, asking to take pictures with us, and giving us big hugs. It was a funny but enjoyable moment for us all! Another fun moment during our trip was when Kay taught us girls how to make chilaquiles, a traditional Mexican dish! We all wanted to learn how to make some Mexican food so we could bring the recipes back to our families in the states. I am hoping to be able to make some traditional dishes for my family when I get back, but we will see if it works out. I will attempt at least!!
    Finally during this trip we swam, played cards, and played a lot of volleyball. We had a missionaries vs. intern game of volleyball, but the interns sadly lost. We also attempted to do a euchre tournament but the one game I played with my partner last at least two hours... so so long!! The pictures below give you a little idea of what Tequisquiapan was like!

 (This is the Catholic church in the center of Tequisquiapan. Most Mexicans are proclaimed Catholics whether they are active or not.)
 (This is one of the ways that my team took a walk through, we thought it was where we had run before but it ended up being a new area for us all.)
(This is where we all came together to eat dinner around 8:00pm. This was the night we had chilaquiles.)
(This is a picture of Katrina, myself, and Ashley eating the best ice cream in the world from Michoacana.)

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